Explorer Post Summer Picinic '04
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Here we have pictures from this year's annual Explorer Post 193 Picinic


Post 193 group picture

(L-R) Advisor Bob Jeske, Expl. Wilichowski, Expl. Konkel, Expl. Lt Jeske, Expl. Capt. Lukowski, Expl. LT Ohm, Expl. Erlitz, Expl. Wilichowski, Asst. Advisor Brian Kaminski

Smoke Showing!

We have smoke showing because Explorers Capt. Kevin ,  Lt. Jeske, and  Chris are cooking for the annual picinic.

Jennifer's Hero

A guest was a victim in a scenario where Jennifer was a burn victim. Here we see Expl. Lt. J im Jeske takes good care of our guest.

Bottle Drills, Bottle Drills

Here we see the boys of  Post 193 demostrating fire fighter survival.  They are showing how in a event of an emergency if a firefighter was to be in trouble like having a problem with the SCBA they can switch bottles. As you can see they are "blindfolded" to make it realistic as far as being in a smoke filled enviroment.

It ain't easy!

Here we see Ryan Wilichowski still trying to put on the SCBA harness. It's difficult to do while blindfolded and having you gloves on.